Write a College Essay that Admission Counselors
Will Post On Their Refrigerators!

College essays are vital to your students' applications. This is the only place in the application where your student becomes more than just a number. And these days, that’s VERY important because of all the intense competition.

he key to a successful college essay is to share something that will make your students memorable to the Admissions Counselors. They need to stand out – because colleges receive thousands of essays… and most of them are boring!

It’s your students' job to give the counselors a reason to take notice… look up from their stack… and really care about getting them onto their campus.

At Chicago Academic, we give personal attention to help your students brainstorm ideas and put these ideas in writing – and create the very best college essay possible!

How We Will Help

Want to learn more?

Contact us today at 773-466-0101 or fill out the form for more information!

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