Awesome Tutors Needed!

Chicago Academic
tutor jobs in chicago

Flexible Schedules, Best Pay!

Our tutors are the best and that’s why they get paid the best!

We want tutors with passions both inside and outside the classroom, think Chemistry PhD who loves to skateboard! Our tutors connect with our students on so many levels, making tutoring sessions fun and rewarding.

Chicago Academic has been Chicago’s premium tutoring company for a decade, and we’ve just transformed the tutoring market with our latest innovation, The House, a cool student hangout and one-stop-shop for all students’ tutoring needs.

Don’t have a car? The House is located 3 blocks from the Glencoe Metra Station. We have designed The House to not only cater to students’ needs but to the tutor’s needs as well.

You tell us your schedule and we work all the logistics to ensure that you see the maximum number of students within your scheduled block.

What Makes Tutoring at Chicago Academic So Great?

Tutoring Jobs Chicago Academic

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What You Need?

Chicago Academic

We are currently hiring ROCKSTAR tutors in all academic subject areas as well as ACT/SAT prep. If this opportunity sounds exciting to you, please Apply for tutoring jobs Chicago Academic. Or talk with a member of our hiring team today (773 417 0880).

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Academic Tutoring

Did you know that Chicago Academic can work with your student on ALL of their tutoring needs? Chicago Academic offers private tutoring in Chicago and everything you need to improve your student’s grades, all at the convenience and comfort of your own home.

Study Strategies

Does your child have trouble getting their homework done, organizing their materials, keeping track of their calendar or simply keeping up with their responsibilities? This could be a sign that they are experiencing executive functioning difficulties.

College Essay Coaching

Crafting several engaging essays that make an admission counselor’s hair stand up is tough. Standing out amongst a mob of other qualified candidates is difficult, yet critical. A student may have all the best intentions when it comes to their essays.
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Chicago Academic